happy fourth of july everyone! we had a fun family day--after church we went to the parade downtown and then to the festival at the swiftel grounds! we skipped the fireworks though, because they were scheduled way past bedtime...maybe next year :)
waiting for the parade to start, henry hanging on to his foot (this is his typical pose these days)

he liked the fire engine lights, the noise did startle him just a little but then we were okay

watchin' the funny cars go by then we had to leave a little early because someone was a little hungry...henry thought he should have a snack too

they had all sorts of fun activities at the uncle sam jam, but henry was a little too young so the only thing we could really do was ask the balloon twisting folks to make him a funny hat

the great plains zoo had a little booth too, and when henry wasn't busy staring down another baby girl in a frilly red dress, he actually looked at the animals, he got to see a hedgehog, a skunk, and this snake! don't worry it was completely tame and doesn't bite
mommy did not pet the snake anyway...
then when we got home henry had his first science experiment
"daddy what are you doing?"
we got all five hairs to stand straight up :)
ahhhhh amazing what we do for fun nowadays...haha
we hope you all had a great weekend as well!
henry sends his love and kisses (very wet and sloppy ones...no, we still don't have any teeth!)
annnd one more hat pic just because its so stinkin' cute, then i promise we're done!