Sunday, December 19, 2010

the good 'ol b-i-b-l-e

has this really already begun?  seriously?    okay, so everyday henry and i have this battle over the household potted plants.  he thinks that he should dig in the dirt, scoop it onto the floor, pull the leaves off, tug at the branches so the whole plant could possibly topple over (and already has), just basically destroy them.  i do not think that he should do these things.  so you can see that we are pretty much butting heads over this issue.  Well today, after giving him "the look" (and i have a pretty good one mind you, after working with elementary school children and being a teacher)  and telling him "no no" for pulling on some leaves he went off and picked up his bible that he got for his baptism.  two minutes later, who do i see standing next to the plant and scheming destruction?  mr. henry lee.  so i say "henry leeee" and he turns and looks at me over his shoulder, and he is holding his bible way up high in the branches of the plant so that it appears as though he is simply reading it and not doing any other naughty things. then he give me a little grin that says "what mom? i'm just reeeeaading my bible."  really.  seriously.  he did this.  but it didn't stop there.  he also took his bible to another "no no" place.  the lazy susan in the kitchen.  he knows that he is not supposed to be playing in the lazy susans.  so what does he do?  he opens it up and props his bible up on the little shelf inside, and when i come to get him and tell him "no no" he simply gives me the same look over the shoulder and the same little grin "what's the big deal? just reading my bible here."    let me remind you that this child just turned one.

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