Saturday, February 27, 2010

the scoop on the poop

so I realized I have neglected to update everyone on Henry's latest bm, and I had quite a few folks ask if he finally did -ha :)   The little guy held out on us for six days!  And when he finally let it all go...let's just say those were very hefty diapers and we took the garbage out right away that day.  But before we plugged up our noses, we breathed a big sigh of relief.  I was getting pretty anxious and was worried that my poor baby was constipated, but he acted completely normal, happily passed gas, and was content.  If you know me, then you know I'm a huge nerd and have to research everything.  When we got to day three of the poop strike, I began frantically searching the web.  I looked up various articles written by pediatricians and lactation consultants that all stated the same thing:  it's completely normal for a breastfed baby to go a long time before having a bowel movement.  As long as baby doesn't fuss and seem constipated, and as long as their poop looks normal when they do go, then they are just fine.  In fact, some have been known to wait two weeks. (I do hope Henry doesn't do that).  One of my friends who only breastfed all three of her babies said one of them only ever went once a week.  It's just not common knowledge since the majority of babies aren't exclusively breastfed -turns out that breastmilk is so easily digested by baby that their bodies just don't create as much waste.  But still....I have never been so happy to see, smell, and clean a little poop-covered butt before.  (As I type this I realize that poor Henry might see this when he gets older and become quite embarrassed)  

Friday, February 26, 2010

all seussed out

Austin and I are big Dr. Seuss fans- so naturally I have to get some pics of Henry wearing his cat in the hat onesie before it no longer fits--enjoy!

"Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh the thinks you can think up if only you try."

"Today was good.  Today was fun.  Tomorrow is another one."

Monday, February 22, 2010

Swinging with Myself

Here is our first attempt at a video, so it might be a little rough, but this is too cute. There is a mirror at the top of Henry's swing and he often likes to check himself out, and, as it seems, talk to himself :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

oh poop.

okay, so two posts in one day, but I couldn't help it.  I have always known that parents were ridiculously and overly fascinated with their own children, but I didn't realize just how much or to what extent until now...soooo brace yourself- Henry hasn't pooped since 3:00 on Friday.  And, naturally, I got worried about it and called my mom to ask her what the deal is.  As it turns out, babies sometimes wait a few days (especially breastfed babies I guess).  So now Austin and I are eagerly anticipating Henry's next poop.  Actually we're kinda nervous to see what he's been saving up.  Suddenly, our baby's bowel movements have become as compelling as a good page-turning novel or suspenseful blockbuster.  When will it happen, how will he do it, and how much will there be?  (seriously)  Until then, we have lined his swing with rags and we are wearing our not-so-fancy-pants.  So this post is to be continued-because I'm sure you are just dying to know as well -ha

Bonding with Daddy

Hooray! Austin is taking the next four days off from work this week so that I can get caught up with school and everything else!  Here's our little man posing on the couch at eight weeks!  
Henry telling daddy a good joke.
Lounging with pops.
Hmmmm...I seem to be taking pictures of the two playing together instead of getting any work done...and blogging about it....its just too much fun so I have to banish myself to another room and shut the door-goodbye for now!  :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Two Months! : the ramblings of a new, proud mommy

Henry had a big day today-he turned two months old and had his dr. appointment complete with shots :(  He was very brave though, and only cried for a little while (I kissed his booboos and now they are all better).  He has some wonderful people taking care of him at the clinic-we are very lucky.
It is hard to believe that two months have already gone by, but then, it isn't when I consider all the sleepless nights and the fact that Austin began to absent-mindedly pat me on the back the other day-yes that's right-he tried to burp me.  And as we were taking our road trip this weekend (which Henry slept through-whew) we were looking for something, I can't remember what, along the side of the road, and when I spotted it I said "there it is!" in that high-pitched baby voice you use when speaking only to I believe we have become, or are well on our way to being completely acclimated to parenthood.  At least we like to think we are, I have a feeling though, that as soon as we believe we have a routine or a rhythm figured out Henry will decide to change the beat :)   He did, however, sleep for seven hours straight last night!  I woke up feeling like I could run ten miles uphill.  Amazing!  We will see if this will become a trend-I'm crossing my fingers.
And oh yes, how can I forget, the other details from his doctor's appt.  Henry is now 23 inches long (he was 20 when he was born) and weighed in at a whopping 13 pounds and 5 ounces, which, I guess puts him in the 90th bottomline-he's a big boy.  In just one month he gained four pounds and grew two inches!  He's already in most of his 3 month outfits and we're getting ready to move up a diaper size (crazy the things I find so fascinating now).  Not only is he developing a pudgier appearance, but he's beginning to develop a sweet personality as well.  He's beginning to talk to us, smile at us, hold his head up high, and recognize faces and voices.  He loves to be read his books.  And while Henry is growing, our knowledge is increasing too-for example, I can get poop stains out of just about anything :)  haha
On another note we had a great trip to Minn. to visit family.  Austin and I went on the first date we'd been on in a long time while Henry played with his aunts, uncle, and grandparents.  They didn't complain at all about having to watch him while we took off-imagine that :)

Friday, February 12, 2010

my little valentine

Henry came home from daycare with a card and a rose for his mommy!  what a thoughtful baby-and it was so nice of his babysitters to help him ;)   I really am lucky to have such great daycare for Henry-it makes taking him there easier.  this weekend we are taking Henry on his first big trip.  we're going to visit grandma and grandpa Olivier in Cold Spring Minn.  (a four hour car ride) wish us good luck!  hopefully we'll just sleep the whole way :)  Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 5, 2010

A Smile For You

I caught it!-Henry's elusive smile!  Every time I get the camera it disappears, but not this time :)  On another note, Henry is growing like crazy-I was going through his clothes and we already had to box up a bunch of things that no longer fit!  It's hard to believe he was all curled up in my belly only seven weeks ago.   Wishing everyone a happy weekend-Smile!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mr. Sassafrass

We thought this would be fun to post :)  Austin snapped this picture of Henry sportin' a major attitude while laying on my tummy.  He likes to put his hands to his face so much, that sometimes we can catch him in some pretty funny poses.  We have been having a very busy couple of weeks, including having some family pictures taken (I'll post them soon) and finishing Henry's nursery- when we're done we'll see if we can post a video tour of it!