Sunday, February 21, 2010

oh poop.

okay, so two posts in one day, but I couldn't help it.  I have always known that parents were ridiculously and overly fascinated with their own children, but I didn't realize just how much or to what extent until now...soooo brace yourself- Henry hasn't pooped since 3:00 on Friday.  And, naturally, I got worried about it and called my mom to ask her what the deal is.  As it turns out, babies sometimes wait a few days (especially breastfed babies I guess).  So now Austin and I are eagerly anticipating Henry's next poop.  Actually we're kinda nervous to see what he's been saving up.  Suddenly, our baby's bowel movements have become as compelling as a good page-turning novel or suspenseful blockbuster.  When will it happen, how will he do it, and how much will there be?  (seriously)  Until then, we have lined his swing with rags and we are wearing our not-so-fancy-pants.  So this post is to be continued-because I'm sure you are just dying to know as well -ha

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