Friday, April 30, 2010
a time to weep and a time to boil bras
there comes a point, as you are standing over the stove boiling your bras--sweat dripping off your forehead from the steam--henry crying in the background, when you have no choice but to laugh. its good to know that we still have a sense of humor amidst all the drama. everyone says to expect the unexpected when you have a baby...but seriously, I never pictured myself boiling bras :) I think pampered chef could have a new invention on their hands--maybe I should give them a call.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
a quick hello
Things are a bit crazy right now. Henry has thrush and an ear infection and it is all kinds of no fun. He is not a happy camper :( its kinda heartbreaking when he cries and you want to make it all better but can't. I'm also tryin' to meet a bunch of deadlines for school and am applying for some jobs too--so send some kind thoughts our way :) On the bright side-it'll all be over in a week and then we can enjoy a nice relaxing summer (in theory-ha) and at least keep the blog up-to-speed: our baby had his four month check up a couple weeks ago. He's a whole 16 pounds and 6 ounces (more than double his birth weight). He almost sits on his own and babbles nonstop :)
ps- if you have ever had to deal with thrush while breastfeeding and have some awesome tips let me know!
ps- if you have ever had to deal with thrush while breastfeeding and have some awesome tips let me know!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
First Trip to the Great State of Iowa...
...where Henry met cousin Jolie! They are BFFs already :)
Henry wanted to know if Jolie's fist tastes as good as his...
or great-grandma's finger...
or these pretty purple flowers.
When we weren't thinking about putting things in our mouths, we spent some time on the lawn soakin' up the vitamin D and inspecting the grass :)
Friday, April 16, 2010
Four Months :)
Henry is four months old today! Time is flying :) and we love him more every day if that's possible! Things have been a bit crazy. Mom is trying to finish up her semester of school-only two weeks left-so if you don't hear much from us during those weeks that would be why! Henry and his Dad made sure I had an awesome birthday-thanks to everyone :) We have a fun weekend planned-Henry gets to meet cousin Jolie. We hope everyone is having a beautiful spring, or is at least able to get out and get rid of some spring fever! ~Hugs~
Friday, April 9, 2010
time for teeth?!?
For a little while now Henry has been showing symptoms of teething: drooling like crazy, trying to bite everything in if you come to visit- watch your hands- I'm serious! He'll lunge at any stray finger that gets anywhere near his mouth! But I kept thinking it was way too early for it....anyway, for the past few days now he just hasn't been himself. He's normally a pretty easy-going guy, but today he cried everytime I tried to put him down.....The result of all of this funny business other than massive mommy biceps? A tooth--already. Yup, I finally decided it was time to take some serious exploration into Henry's slimy, cranky little kisser and get to the bottom of things, even if he didn't like it all that much, and I discovered a little white nub emerging from the bottom gum. I was surprised despite all the signs. Now, besides rolling all over the floor, chatting and smiling at everything we say no matter how mundane it is, and attempting to sneak up on his toys via a very slow and uncoordinated inchworm-esque attack...he has a tooth. I don't know why my baby is in such a hurry to grow up!
Monday, April 5, 2010
happy easter!
Henry's First Easter!
We had a very busy weekend dying eggs, playing with grandparents,
going to church and making new friends :)
First Easter with mommy and daddy
what did the bunny bring?
Sophie the Giraffe!
Henry got to meet his great-grandparents:
Paul and Bernie
and Charlie and Myrna
Henry had a little photo shoot with his mom!
easter outfit

gotta love the hat
mr. serious
Henry thinks hats and vests are fun, but when all is said and done, au natural is still the way to go!
just look at that beefy arm--hehe
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Growing Fool
Happy April Fools? I tried to think of something splendid to post on the blog that would pull one over on everyone...but couldn't think of anything good. I thought something like-"Henry gains ten pounds in two weeks" might work....but then again, that could possibly be true--at least it seems like it is. Seriously, he is growing up way too fast!
The Easter bunny already made a preliminary run to Henry's house last night! And grampa and gran O. coincidentally showed up at the same time! :) It was nice to have them visit-even if it was very short. Henry keeps surprising everyone with his aforementioned ability to grow like a little weed.
He's also excited to meet some of his great-grandparents for the first time this weekend. It will be a very happy first Easter for him.
AND....we finally got him! I think that Henry is finally getting less camera shy because as soon as I got it out this time, he decided to start showing off his moves instead of freezing like a cabbage patch statue. Enjoy!
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