Thursday, September 30, 2010

welcome cousin bryson!

henry got to meet his brand new cousin yesterday and wish him a happy birthday!!!  he was born at 12:57-- weighed 8lbs. 5 oz. + 20.8 inches long=totally perfect!  he's also got quite a bit of yellow hair (more hair than henry has now)   :) he can't wait to play with his new friend and get into all sorts of mischief! 

heeeere he is! bryson james   :)
cousin kaydyn meets her little brother
proud grandparents
henry says hello
grampa and his boys :)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

almost walking!

This video is for daddy.....but you can watch it too if you want :)  Austin said that henry wasn't allowed to do anything cool while we were gone....well, woops.  I guess the little man just can't help it--cool follows him wherever he goes--hehehe.  he got a hold of his cousin kaydyn's pink baby stroller and started pushing it all over the place!  we can't take him away from it now-it's all he wants to do, push his rufus around. yep, pretty cool :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

mr. mustachio

here's a fun little pic of us doing what we do best....bein' goofy--hehe.  sorry i've been neglecting the blog a bit lately.  I've been working on the website for my photography business and it takes quite a bit more time to figure out then I thought.  It's pretty sparse right now, but if you're at all interested check it out:  and eventually it will be amazing and covered with photos :)

henry is doin' good.  he is getting over a cold right now, and he got so hoarse that he sounded like he swallowed the squeakers in one of his toys!  he saw Dr. Todd last week monday, and he said that Henry's neck (where he had surgery three months ago) is lookin' great!  In fact, we can't even remember what it was like before he had surgery anymore :)  he does have a little extra skin where the scar is that he will grow into when he gets older.  when all is said and done he's gonna have the most beautiful neck ever :)  

we will be traveling to missouri for the week!  a whopping ten hour drive...  why am i doing this with henry, who hates his carseat? because I am a crazy person.  and because I really miss my brother, his wife, and my niece.  and, oh yeah, they are adding a new member to the family on wednesday :)  if i get the opportunity to visit i have to take it!!  we have to leave daddy at home though because he needs to work and we are really going to miss him :(    

below are some snapshots i took of henry last night playing out on the patio.  the fall leaves were swirling around, and that rattling noise+crunchy texture= fascination for henry lee :)  add the cutest hat on top and we have to have a mini photo shoot with mama!
until we spotted a pitty red flower....and had to pick it (sorry gramma!)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

baby's best friend

world, meet mr. rufus malufus (closer acquaintances simply refer to him as rufus), henry's best friend. one day, henry seemed bored with all of his toys so i took him into his room, held him up so that he could see all the stuffed animals on his dresser (there are quite a few lovies up there) and told him to pick out someone to play with.  he reached out and grabbed rufus, and now we can't really get too far without him these days. he keeps guard over henry's crib at night so that he can sleep soundly, and he even goes with him to daycare sometimes.  the daycare teacher told me that henry keeps rufus close and is pretty possessive, if anyone thinks about playing with him, henry quickly nabs him up.  we cuddle with rufus, we chew on rufus, and we drag rufus across the floor.  we even think its fun to throw rufus on the ground so that mom or dad will pick him up (oh yes, he already knows this game).  sometimes we can't decide which is more important: holding on to rufus or pulling ourselves up on the coffee table.  so we try both to do both at the same time.  In fact, when Henry first stood independently for a few moments whose hand, er paw, do you think he was holding onto? rufus.  oh yes. we love rufus. and mama is super glad that he is also machine washable.    


months old!  so this post is a little late...but that's okay because mama had a crazy week teaching dance classes and everything, and she hasn't done any physical activity like this since she was put on bed rest about a year ago.  whew, very sore and tired.  But enough about henry's mom!  Henry is getting biiiiiigger. I can hardly get a thing done now because he seems to think that he needs to climb/crawl  in/on/around the most precarious places he can find.  sheesh.  maybe that's the real reason i'm so sore :)  we have a very busy body on our hands.  a few days ago he even stood (just for a few seconds, but it felt like a really long time to me of course) all by himself!  he keeps trying to balance without holding on to anything, and yes, we have had some pretty good bumps and bruises which, i'll admit, kinda freeeeeaks me out.  he even got a bloody nose one day.  I was about hyperventilating and I asked my dad what to do, and he said, well, you could get a tissue.   so i took a hint and tried to relax...and there was just a little bit that came out on the I guess it wasn't that bad.  other than making my heart skip a few beats every five minutes with his crazy antics henry is getting pretty toothy.  His grin is so goofy now with his three teeth!  I love it :)  He says mom and dad a lot now.  But usually he says my name when he is sad or something......and he says dada when he's playing.  so that i guess (slight pout).    
henry loves playing with the new puppy, ruger. so here are a few pics of him with the pooch. in fact, if henry's in a bad mood, all we have to do is pop outside and just watch the dog run around the yard a few times and we're all set.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

the dreaded viral exanthem

henry broke out with a rash this week. he didn't have a fever. he didn't seem all that bothered by it.  soooooo we scratched our heads.  no new detergent, no new food, no new animals, nobody else had it or got it....etc. etc.  I even called daycare to see if he had played with some strange toy, or if some other kid had a weird inexplicable rash from head to toe--nope, they must think i am super spastic there now.  and nobody cared for my diagnosis of rubella or any of the other various disease/rashes that google images had that looked just like henry's.   so he was diagnosed with having a viral exanthem, which means we don't know the cause of the rash, or the exact virus that caused it.  bleh.  Mommy likes to know the EXACT cause of everything, so this was just no fun for her, although henry didn't mind much.  viral exanthem.  it sounds like some prestigious ceremonial rite.  "and now, would you all please rise for the Viral Exanthem."     ....maybe it's because it rhymes with national anthem?  Ah well. its going away now.  and we are non the worse or better because it.

Hoooooray for Grandparent's Day!

Henry wants to wish his g-mas and g-pas a very very happy g-parent day!! Hooray!  Seriously, thank you for loving our little boy as much as you do!--he is one blessed baby to have you in his life :)  AND I want to say happy grandparent's day to my grammies and grampies (henry's great-grandparents) too!  You have always been so awesome/caring/supportive/loving....okay this list could go on and on for awhile :) You KNOW you're wonderful!  We love you!

Friday, September 3, 2010

snack attack

A third tooth has come out to  the top right.  poor henry!  the mean little sucker just pierced right through his tender little gums...and kept him awake...all night, which kept mommy and daddy awake...all night.  All this work and then they just fall out in several years?  i think tooth fairies should bring presents for parents too--just sayin'     

sooo, we thought that we might as well put this new tooth to work.  here's henry snackin' on some soft diced apples--yum!

reaching and grabbing
trying to get it from our tightly closed fist into our mouth
and missing the mouth...
finally chewing---success!