Sunday, September 19, 2010

baby's best friend

world, meet mr. rufus malufus (closer acquaintances simply refer to him as rufus), henry's best friend. one day, henry seemed bored with all of his toys so i took him into his room, held him up so that he could see all the stuffed animals on his dresser (there are quite a few lovies up there) and told him to pick out someone to play with.  he reached out and grabbed rufus, and now we can't really get too far without him these days. he keeps guard over henry's crib at night so that he can sleep soundly, and he even goes with him to daycare sometimes.  the daycare teacher told me that henry keeps rufus close and is pretty possessive, if anyone thinks about playing with him, henry quickly nabs him up.  we cuddle with rufus, we chew on rufus, and we drag rufus across the floor.  we even think its fun to throw rufus on the ground so that mom or dad will pick him up (oh yes, he already knows this game).  sometimes we can't decide which is more important: holding on to rufus or pulling ourselves up on the coffee table.  so we try both to do both at the same time.  In fact, when Henry first stood independently for a few moments whose hand, er paw, do you think he was holding onto? rufus.  oh yes. we love rufus. and mama is super glad that he is also machine washable.    

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