Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Last month I became incredibly irate when all of these little worm-like creatures quickly took over all of my pansies and devoured them whole.  I flicked.  I picked. I tried to keep them at bay, but there were always a few stubborn ones that hung around.  Eventually, I figured out that they were caterpillars once they grew larger.  I Googled them of course only to find that they would become pretty orange butterflies or more scientifically, "variegated fritillaries."  So...I started feeling bad for flicking all of them away instead of keeping them around.  If I had, I would have my very own butterfly petting zoo on the patio.  Alas, it was too late and only one remained.  So we doted on him like no other.
Henry had a complete investigation of the crawling critter before he cozied up in my potted baby apple tree to make a cocoon.  Get ready for some heavy documentation.

He called it a Paterkilla and the two became quick friends :) 
 Paterkilla was wigglish....
 ....and ticklish :)
 And Henry handled him very gently repeating the mantra: I won't squish it Mommy. Right, because if he did, we would have no more Paterkilla.
 As I stated, we had a very thorough investigation.
 Here he is saying, You are goin to be a pretty butterfly Paterkilla.
 I put Paterkilla on my hat Mommy.
super brief side note: I sewed this orange hat for Henry.  After many hours and various failures I finally got this one put together so I am darn proud of it.  
Henry, Mommy made you that sun hat with love stubborn relentlessness.  
I definitely want to make more....someday :)
I love hand and feet photographs, but for some reason people only ever take them of newborns.  I adore Henry's little toddler hands.  They are forever sticky or have some dirt/paint/crumbs/bugs on them :) 
 A very fascinating fellow
See the orange fingerpaint in the cuticles?  That's what I'm talking about. 
 Then Henry and Daddy watched some videos on youtube of caterpillars turning into butterflies.  
So Henry decided that he wanted to be a butterfly too. 
 I'm flyin!

 A few shots of Paterkilla after he was released into the wild.
 reeeeeaaach for that leaf!
 a personal favorite.
 Getting ready to be a butterfly.

Just today I walked outside to water the plants as Henry napped and I saw an orange butterfly perched on the leaves of the apple tree.  I took two steps forward and it quickly fluttered away and was gone.  I look under the leaf and the cocoon was empty.  It was a shocking sight, to know that the not-so-pretty looking thing hanging up there had turned into that pretty butterfly...too bad I wasn't able to capture it and Henry didn't get to see it.  Next time, I won't be so quick to flick away unwanted guests.....hmmmmm makes me want to think deeply and metaphorically about life :)  
Love, Sara

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