pardon my, what do people say? french? but you will see why this post deserves such a title. today, I am surprised that the world did not come to an end, because we certainly experienced a poo of apocalyptic proportions when we awoke. we opened the door to henry's nursery this morning, and our rejoicing in the fact that i only had to wake up once last night to get him back to sleep was swiftly stifled by an all too familiar smell-poopy. but this was no typical crap, because henry had decided, at some point during the night/early morning...who really knows-- to finger paint with it. all over his crib. it was ground into the bedsheets, in his hair, between his toes, all over the rail of the crib where he likes to stand up, on his white bumper pads, and drumroll please, his mouth! so he must have sampled some too, and believe me, this stuff looked nothing like chocolate. at least i know my gag reflex still works-seriously. so guess what mommy will be doing today during henry's naptime? no, she won't be trying to take a shower or fix herself something to eat. she'll be pulling on some elbow-length rubber gloves and getting serious about some poo. it's okay, she's not hungry anymore anyway.
I called my mother, worried that it would have been bad for him to eat his own poo (I was picturing him in the hospital with a stomach pump/charcoal/the whole works, because that's what i do best) and he really didn't drink as much of his bottle as he usually does, so who knows, maybe his stomach was already full? of poo? (okay i might be stretching this a bit, it could not have tasted any good...but then again, henry is a different kind of guy). So anyway, back to mom, she told me not to worry about it, and I respect her opinion as a health professional so.....i'm going to go ahead and...pretend not to worry about it :)
austin called in late to work, because he stuck around to help me hose henry down and wrestle him into some clothes. henry wasn't too happy about the very serious bathtime we had in which i got into eeeevery little nook and cranny with some rigorous scrubbing. when his boss asked austin why he was running late he simply explained--my son pooped everywhere--without batting an eye. then he ventured back into the warzone to retrieve henry's outfit for the day and picked out a onesie that reads "i love my mommy" he handed it over to me with a big cheesy grin on his face. as if i need to be reminded.
there will not be photos to accompany this post. you're welcome.
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