Saturday, April 30, 2011

good O times :)

You are about to witness a whole mess of photos from our visit with the O (livier) fam!  

we'll kick it off with henry opening up goodies brought by the E bunny :)
a monkey face backpack!
 elmo books!
 a ducky for the bath :)
 a pretty colorful pinwheel--and with the 27 mph wind we've been having this week.....we've been inside blowing on it--haha
 some veggie tales movies!!!

And now it's time for..... funny faces with henry! ( For those of you who are familiar with the whole veggie tales phenomenon i'm trying to channel the same vibe as silly songs with larry...perhaps my husband is the only one who will understand this... :)   )
totally modeling his cool belt buckle and belt.  sooooo cute!  henry got them from his gran and grampa...or should i say the easter bunny?  or maybe we'll call it a grunny?  :)

bubble boy!  
henry loves bubbles and playing with them and saying the word bubble, so auntie faith was very happy to oblige his bubble obsession as we visited
blowing bubbles too!

time to go out and play!  lucky for henry, there was a pretty park right behind gran and grampa's house!
swinging with gran
 i love these photos :)
 tessa and henry
 swinging in auntie's lap!

playing fetch with the doggies!! dad came up with a nice way to play while keeping our fingers spittle free!
 almost :)
  austin, i couldn't help myself.  loooooove you :)

it was a very busy and tiring day for everyone :)

some snaps with the o fam!  :)
uncle levi
auntie faith
auntie tessa
and gran and grampa!!

and we even tried to do some family photos for us!  
except.....henry was not very interested in taking we ended up with quite a few shots like this that i included anyway because they make me laugh :)
yep, he wanted to do this instead...

but we did get a few sweet snaps out of the deal--thanks so much molly, i love these :)
there is only one bad thing about visiting family--saying goodbye!  you miss them even more!

ps--austin and i have been having a bit of a crazy week, which is why these photos are a tad late.  i had a poetry reading and am preparing for my little girls' showcase dance concert and austin will be taking another insurance exam monday for his new job and has switched in to super study mode!  wish him luck :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

happy easter!

it was henry's second easter, but i think it was more like his first since he could actually participate and enjoy the festivities like a big boy!  we spent the weekend with the oliviers in minnesota, so henry got to play with his aunties, uncle, and grampa and gran!

here we are dying easter eggs!  henry is coloring his egg, he loves to say "color" while he's working at it and often requests his "colors" sometimes throughout the day.  he did nibble on a few once at home...but i think we were able to cut him off before we had to worry about any colorful after-effects.... ;)  i don't know which is more fun for him, actually coloring with the crayons, or just playing with them by dumping them out of the box, putting them back in, and then dumping them out again...but coloring eggs was something new!
he was very interested in the dye though....which wasn't the easiest to keep him out of, so we had to get him his own cup of dye-free water that he was free to spill :)
faith writing on an egg with candle wax--a Ukranian tradition
gran molly's ukranian egg--melting the wax off to reveal the pretty design
tessa's starry egg
after he was done scribbling on his egg for a bit, henry thought it was time for a sample
and the egg eventually just ended up like this after a few hard knocks on the table :-)

and now the hunt!!
henry was a very serious egg searcher, as he is about most things new and exciting.  he's a no-nonsense kind of guy!
daddy helping out
and aunties helping too!
ooooh someone caught a smile!  haha --he really did enjoy hunting for the easter eggs
especially when he opened them up to find...
some yummy bunny gummies!
~hope you had a wonderful easter and let yourself indulge in a few chocolate bunnies!!!   (ps--more photos to come soon :)  )