Monday, April 11, 2011

birthday trip down memory lane

for me.  :)  you will have to indulge me on this one because i was feeling very nostalgic and sentimental this weekend.  i took quite a few photos over the weekend with everything going on, so there will be more to come later today.  BUT for now i'm going to talk about t-shirts :)     

this sunday was camp sunday for our church, when everyone dresses in camping clothes, we sing camp songs, roll out a few sleeping bags complete with a "campfire" in the church.  the kids even got to eat s'mores following the little puppet show, that henry particularly enjoyed.  SO in the spirit of celebrating good camping times i pulled out an old t-shirt, with the help of my mom, that i made (again, with the help of my mom, i'm sure since i was, after all, only four at the time) at vacation bible school in 1989 for henry to wear.  

and it fit!
 and a close-up so you can really appreciate the hand-craftyness

AND now, for a little glimpse into the past with ME sporting the sheepy shirt.  we are on a parade float for some sort of parade that i don't really remember anything about...
 AND because i'm feeling extra goofy today, AND because maybe you need a little help i went ahead and created a very useful diagram to point out who's who.  that is me with the super cheesy grin and neato red kool-aid mustache (that i seem to have in EVERY single photo from this stage of my life).  Travis is in the back surrounded by buddies.  AND as a super sweet bonus, you can spot my dad's old chevrolet luv pickup truck (fondly referred to as "the luv machine" may it rest in peace) in the background!!!
Another bonus: i found this image of a chevy luv its full glory i suppose.  perhaps this was used for the advertisement that enticed my dad to make such a purchase?  hmmm, what do you think?  yep, pretty rugged.

finally, i also found a t-shirt from another vacation bible school camp that I made when i was six.  So, of course, i had to wear that shirt since i still could.  which makes me wonder, did we order superly enormous shirts when we were young in the off-chance that i might want to wear it twenty years later?  it seems like a lot of my old t-shirts were quite large, perhaps that was the style at the time, to have your sleeves hanging down below your elbows so that it could almost double as a long-sleeved shirt.....ahh that must be it--the economical thought process behind it all.  i know austin will appreciate this.  :)

here we are.  two silly peas in a pod.  we'll be taking henry to church camps when he's old enough.  i always loooved going every summer--some of my fav summer/growing up memories include church camps.  they have family ones too now if your kids are too young to go on their own, or if you just want to go as a fam......sounds like it might be fun.  i see lots of camping in our future.  and maybe we'll make some new t-shirts at said camp we don't have to wear ones from twenty years ago :)

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