Monday, April 11, 2011

happy birthday to me :)

so here is the other half of this past weekend's post! i had a great birthday weekend thanks to my boys and the rest of the fam!  great grampa and gramma pedersen came to visit too.  on saturday austin and i went on a shopping trip and out to dinner.  i think my fav part of the day was buying some new spring/summer clothes for henry--i love shopping for him and austin more than i do myself.  it kind of stinks that we have to buy him new clothes so often (expense-wise) but we have come up with a handy system.  when he is about to outgrow his wardrobe and a new season is upon us, i take his old clothes from last spring/summer that i've been holding onto to the second hand store in brookings.  then, once we have the money from selling those clothes, we go to a different second-hand store in sioux falls (that has many more options) and get his new outfits there, AND of course there are a few brand-new items that i get him at the mall too :)  we get quite a bit of dough from selling his old stuff, and sometimes we find the most AMAZING deals at once-upon-a-child, and their clothing is almost like new, but you have to be willing to really hunt through the place for the good finds/deals/brands (austin loooooves doing this--haha--he was a good sport because it was my birthday, what can i say, bargain shopping is a grown woman's version of a treasure hunt!)  i can't waaaiiit to put him in his new little outfits...and i would really love to have a little fashion show, but since he isn't too thrilled with getting dressed and undressed most of the time, i think i will just have to wait until it is nice enough to have him wear them :) but i DIGRESS.......alot.

sunday we made cookies from a kit that i bought at world market a while back because it didn't have any dairy in it and looked like a fun time, and i thought that maybe it would be something that henry could do....ish  with us :)
 the recipe called for quite a bit of butter which i substituted with this non-dairy "butter"  i was a little nervous about how they might taste, but they tasted just like every other sugar cookie i've ever eaten, so this stuff definitely gets my seal of approval, plus, as austin would say, "don't panic, its organic" for all of you into that sort of thing :)
 my serious mixer men
 henry going over the instructions on the box
 after we had all of the dough sorted out and colored, we gave him a few lumps to see what he would do with them.  it mostly just stuck to his fingers, and he seemed, generally unimpressed.  ohhhh well.
 but everyone else really enjoyed being crafty cookie creators!  austin took it upon himself to make the awesomest sdsu cookie ever.  sort of.  we had no idea they would puff up in the oven as much as they did.  so it ended up being a very "inflated" sdsu logo.  (the finished product is a few images down)
 my gramps wagging a finger at me for trying to snap a pic of him :)
 mom putting the finishing touches on a bunny
gramma being artsy
 AND here they all are after we finished baking them!  we could almost make our own little version of "i spy" with this photo.  I spy with my little eye, the batman symbol amongst our spring-themed fauna and flora (guess who made that?)  and i guess we do have the random alien and turkey as well :)  plus carrots that smile are always my favorite kind of carrots (they just taste so much happier right? haha, nice mom)
i made the little alien man for henry's dessert that evening
 he thought it was delicious!
poor alien man
thanks to everyone who made my birthday so special!!!
ps--want to know something funny about the above photo?   i totally cropped it in because henry isn't wearing any pants.  where did his pants go and why wasn't he wearing them? i ask myself these questions a lot now.  who knows.  who ever really knows.  


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