Thursday, June 2, 2011

a liar and a fraud

how long can you park at a painted white curb?
how many inches must your tire be within that curb when you park there?
how many feet do you need to park away from a railroad?
how many feet close to a fire hydrant can you park?

a couple days ago i was filling out the paperwork to get the brand new bank account all set up and good to go and handed my driver's license over to deb (who conveniently works at the bank :) )  and she noticed that it has expired.  fail.  not only has it expired, however, but it has been over 30 days--the limit before you have to take the driver's test again.  EPIC FAIL.

since my birthday i have been driving around with an expired license! luckily i was never pulled over for any reason.  NOW, i am kind of freaking out because I need to locate all of these important documents to take to the dmv to prove that i am not a liar and a fraud, that i am who i say i am.  this is no easy feat.  i need identification--two documents, and two bills proving that i live at a certain address.  my passport has my maiden name on it.  my driver's license is expired...i do have my social security card and my marriage certificate, working on the birth certificate (things are kind of a mess from moving).  the whole proving you live where you live is difficult since we just moved too, but deb figured out a way to work around that--she has been so helpful!   whew.  this kind of stinks.

but that isn't the worst part.  i have to retake the driver's test.  i am surprised i am sharing this because, well, if i don't pass it than that would be pretty darn embarrassing, and i don't know if you have to wait x number of days before you can take it again...

it isn't as easy as you think.   the whole oh you have been driving so long, you just know what to do  attitude won't get you through it.

i dare you to go to and take the test to see if you can pass it.  it's a practice test that i've been using to study up.  there are different questions every time. the real test has 25 questions and you have to get an 80% to pass it.

heading over to the dmv friday.  hopefully i'll be able to prove i'm not a liar and a fraud.

and that i know how to drive.

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