Thursday, June 23, 2011

the pool boy

warning: the number of photos in this post exceeds what some people might call "excessive" or "necessary" (picture me making the chris farley air quotes).  but its my blog darn it. and i get to do whatever i want.
so consider yourself warned :)
besides, it is currently 8:24 AM and henry is still sleeeeeping!!!!!!
carpe diem!

sorry that you are going to have to find out this way austin....but i have fallen for the pool boy :)
he's so cute and i'm pretty much obsessed with him (i.e. check out all the photos i take of him!)  but you probably knew this was coming.

a couple of weeks ago we got henry the coolest little pool.  its a lion AND it has a sprinkler attachment (which we actually haven't used that often yet because the hose water is super freezing cold after one minute).  AND it was fairly inexpensive to boot! ;)   to say that he loves playing in the "wawer" would be a complete understatement.
 it even has a tail, how ridiculously cute is that?  oh the things they come up for kids nowadays....
we splish
 we splash
 we pause momentarily to make sure our belly-button is still there
and we repeatedly get in and out of the pool to take our "baman" shoes on and off.
 here are the famed "baman" shoes (thanks to amber and our trip to nc where henry fell in love with his cousin kaydyn's crocs!  they are comfy, easy for him to take on and of himself, and they fit his uber-wide feet, PLUS did i mention they have batman on them?  h lurves these things, his face literally lights up when i say, "okay let's put on your batman shoes")
(insert photo of henry's "pretty fwowers" here)

and finally, one more thing that henry really loves.  this ball...well really, any ball.  but on this particular day he loved this ball.  a lot.
he stalked the ball....
he snuck up on the ball...
he grabbed it
tackled it
falled...and giggled :)
 he also tried to blow up the ball the way he saw mommy do it.
my cute pool boy.

and after we came inside, this is what happened while he tried to eat his lunch.  i have heard the myth that sometimes babies will fall asleep in their highchairs, but never thought such a thing would happen to henry, the little boy who fights sleep like a little ninja.
he didn't even wince when i scrubbed all the sticky jam from his face before laying him in his crib :)
maybe i shouldn't be surprised after the busy morning we had

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