since we've moved i have been on a never-ending hunt for the above-pictured soymilk for henry. i have literally looked into almost every grocery story in town including the specialty organic food stores, and even requested, called, and followed-up with most of them, and none of them can get it. well, i am still waiting to hear from one place----but then that's it!
why am i obsessed with this stuff?
henry is still drinking soy formula and will eventually be switching to soymilk. AND since he can't have whole milk, which has all the calcium and fat that a little growing body and brain need, i wanted to find the next best thing-this stuff. I have looked into/read about/perused almost every soymilk there is (and there are a lot of them), and this seems to be the best stuff for little ones since it is fortified with calcium, vitamin d, fiber, dha, and omega-3, which makes it pretty darn close to the real deal (cow milk that is). they had the stuff where we used to live and i was beginning to experiment cooking with it. plus, they have a light chocolate flavor which was pretty yummy, so we could actually drink it with henry (which helps because the stuff expires ten days from opening it, AND, you know, isn't the cheapest).
ANYTHING for our Henry Lee right?
i wonder if i am being a bit obsessive.....or anal on the issue. But i think its pretty important since it will make up such a large portion of his diet. i don't plan on freaking out over every little crumb that goes into his guts--i promise (hopefully). However, when its something that he'll be consuming quite a bit of on a daily basis, i want to make sure its the good stuff.
perhaps i will just have to find the next best thing and gets some sort of supplements or something. in the meantime, i am waiting for a response directly from the company. yes, i contacted them :) and, if anyone can offer me any ideas on the subject i would be more than happy to hear about them!
i am trying really hard to think of a great segue into the following video.
but i got nothing.
i just randomly thought of this as i was searching for all the soymilk. enjoy. i must obviously be on some sort of will ferrell kick or something.
20 dollars if you can name the movie*
ALSO, yesterday when we were out grocery shopping, henry and i stopped at the library for a little bit and it was pretty sweet. i signed up for a library card, henry picked out a couple of books and a dvd about elmo and dinosaurs (imagine that), and watched the birds in the mini aviary they have. the whole upper floor was dedicated to kids and the all the pictures books in small shelves so that little ones could easily access them. it was nicely set up and i think we'll be going there quite often, especially for baby bookworm time :) i love a good library (imagine that).
here's h going through the books
(i took this with my phone. i don't take my camera everywhere with me. although, i can see why some people might think i do ;)
ps: *20 dollars of pretend money k?
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