Thursday, July 28, 2011

feelin' fartsy

i love taking henry to the park, the pool, baby bookworm reading time at the library, etc.  but sometimes, its nice to do something just for me that i enjoy too :)  since my friend brittany is leaving for chicago this weekend, we decided to get together and have a crafty evening at the pottery to paint place.  i wasn't familiar with these types of joints so thought it would be fun to give it a try.  they have all types of pottery that you can do whatever you want with: you just pay for the pottery and a sitting fee, and then get your artsy on.  
 brittany went for a bowl
 that she etched and painted free-hand
awesomeness.  brittany is super creative
this mug called my name...and since i'm not as talented with the free-handedness, i utilized the masking tape in the corner there ;)
 and some letter stickers too :)  to make "my cup of....."
 you probably guessed it "tea."  :)  haha 
 it was such a great way to spend an evening, relaxing, drinking chai, and painting.  can't wait to see the finished product after they fire it in the kiln!
(should i go for that garden gnome next time?)

onto a completely different subject:
one thing i am beginning to realize when i look at the above photo....
i don't smile.  i SMILE.  i am a hardcore smiler.  i'm trying to figure out why.  is it because i laugh a lot when i get my picture taken and i smile harder when i laugh?  anyway, whatever it is, i need to learn to control it somewhat right?

especially this morning when i had to have my headshot taken for the dance studio where i'll be teaching this fall.  i didn't want to look all crazy SMILEY.  so i tried to relax a little.  but after looking at my photos, i realize that when i do that, i just look super tired.  probably because i was tired after getting up at five to change henry, make him some formula, and rock him for a bit.  i don't know.  maybe that's just the mom look no matter what the situation.  tired.  :)  austin joked with me that i should have practiced in the mirror a la zoolander.  and since i brought it up, you know i have to add a clip!
haha.  i guess i was trying to go for the "le tigre"

AND last but not least, i just have to add this little tidbit.
driving on my way back from the portrait studio i got a call from a local radio station.

lady on the phone: is this sara?
me: yes
lady: sara do you remember putting your name in a drawing for a free hawaiian vacation for two at play it again sports?
me (rather excitedly): yes i did!
lady: well you won...
(this is where i just about went crazy insane)
.....a tote bag full of neat goodies!

i mean, its awesome that i won something. i guess.  but compared to a free hawaiian vacation with my man, a tote bag full o goodies does not sound near as awesome.
and seriously...she totally set me up to think that i had won the jackpot right?

so i scooted on over there anyway since it happened to be on the way home.  and inside my tote full of neat things is:
a first aid kit.
a mt. rushmore postcard.
a book with photos of spearfish canyon in it.
a water bottle with the radio station's logo on it.
a free car wash.
gift certificates to restaurants i have never heard of out-of-town.
a free dominos pizza (now i have to admit that is pretty neat).
a gift certificate to a place called flags and wheels....well i like flags, and wheels are pretty cool, so the place must be a hoot right?
hmmmmmm i think that wraps it up.
so it was nice.
just not as nice as hawaii *sigh*

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