i got a job! wooooo to the hoooooo!!!!! By the end of the month i will begin employment for the rapid city school district....more specifically, stevens high school....and even more specifically, i will be a special education aide. and my socks are totally rocked off. it was one of the jobs that i applied for that i was really hoping would come through....but didn't want to get too excited in case it didn't work and i would get super bummed about it. sure i applied for other jobs that pay more. quite a bit more. (fyi: anyone that works in education does not get paid half of what they are worth. it boggles my mind. but we all know it. and we do it anyway. some people say its because we love what we do. i say its because we are all certifiably insane.) but austin and i talked things over, and we both agree that it is super important to at least like your job, if not love it, regardless of the pay (how awesome is my hubby?). especially if it is going to keep me away from henry during the day. i can't imagine having a job that i couldn't stand on top of missing spending time with henry. AND its a foot in the door. so if any teaching positions open up that are more directly related to my degree i would have a decent shot right?
so now it is time to begin scoping out houses. and so the realtors' websites have been monopolizing all of my computer time. i have been having dreams about houses. and its hard to find a home you like within your budget within a good neighborhood within driving distance from work and daycare within your budget (oh i said that twice ;) ) and we don't have the longest time window to get things squared away so that also limits options. AND it doesn't help when i become emotionally involved with houses. i always update austin on my new "crush" and how i'm "cheating" on the house i loved last week with a new house that went on sale recently....yep, ridiculous. and i love those cute old houses with all the crazy nooks and crannies, and then they tend to be the ones with all the crazy issues, or they don't have a backyard, or air conditioning (something austin can't live without :) ) and most of those older houses are near super busy areas, and we both prefer to live somewhere very quiet and private.... there is always something to love and something to hate. (besides the fact that certain things can be fixed up with a little paint...which i frequently tell austin--haha) but now i'm rambling.
it all boils down to this:
things are gonna get pretty crazy this next month with the new job, new house, and new daycare. i reeeeally hope that henry handles all of these transitions smoothly. i'm mostly just worried about how he will adjust to all the simultaneous newness. (potty training is around the corner too bt-dub).
on a side-note: you have no idea how excited i am about becoming a homeowner. maybe if you saw the stacks, files, and folders, of home magazines and diy ideas i have been hoarding for the past several years you would get a slight inkling. but only a slight one. i pretty much have a zillion ideas racing through my brains ready to bust loose. the necessity to nest is almost becoming as strong as my chocolate necessity :)
oh goodness, god grant me the patience and sanity to take things one day at a time.
oh, and if you were miffed by the fact that this post doesn't include any photos because every single other post does...
....here's a rainbow.
from last sunday night, after it rained ;)
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